Re-thinking phlebotomy: More convenience, less cost

‘Mr S’ lives in north London, within a quick stroll of his local community hospital. He was being seen regularly there for cirrhosis until August 2020, when his usual outpatient clinic was cancelled because of COVID. Unsure what was happening, Mr S suddenly received a phone call from his consultant, asking the usual questions. Nothing appeared to have changed health-wise, but the doctor knew that every six months Mr S needed an ultrasound scan and blood tests to screen for liver cancer.

Seeing that the last ultrasound was cancelled due to the pandemic, the consultant requested blood tests, including an alpha-fetoprotein measurement, as well as an ultrasound scan. Normally, Mr S was given blood forms, which he used at his local community hospital. However, when asking how he could get these forms, he was told that everything was now electronic. Mr S just needed to attend for the blood tests.

When Mr S arrived at his local hospital, he was alarmed to hear that he did need blood forms. He phoned the consultant’s secretary and, after many false calls and what seemed like an eternity, Mr S was put through to the right contact. Mr S learned that he must now go to another hospital for blood tests, an eight-mile bus ride away. Mr S made this inconvenient trip, but at what risk to his health?

With our Clearing software

The local community hospital has a link to Salutare® Clearing software. When Mr S arrives without a blood form, the team simply looks up his name and date of birth. They see the tests requested by the consultant, and can print the necessary bar-coded labels. Mr S has his blood taken and the results get sent to his GP without delay.

Better outcomes are possible with Salutare® software created by clinicians, for clinicians.


Surviving cancer: Medical monitoring matters